Tuesday, July 17


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

I feel bothered to write a bit about BATI as a girl approached me on instagram to ask about BATI. First of all, BATI stands for Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) Translation with Interpretation. This course is only offered in USM. To know more about the sypnosis programme, objective and so on please click the link .

I'll only explain briefly, if you wanted to know more please drop me a message.

BATI - Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) Translation with Interpretation
Translation with Interpretation - Terjemahan dengan Interpretasi

So, you know what it is all about right. If you eager to know the difference between translation and interpretation please go here . Do some research and you can find all the information you want through google tho.

So what I would like to share here is the subjects that will be taken during all the 7 semesters (I got this question alot). We'll skipped the first semester because nothing is related to BATI.

Semester 2
HBT106 - Asas Pengajian Penterjemahan
HBT111 - Mendengar dan Bertutur
HBT113 - Bahasa dan Berbahasa

Semester 3
HBT201 - Teori dan Kaedah Terjemahan 1
HBT220 - Gaya dan Tatabahasa Perbandingan
HBT223 - Perkamusan

Semester 4
HBT208 - Teori dan Kaedah Terjemahan 2
HBT222 - Makna dan Penterjemahan
HBT230 - Bahasa, Undang-Undang dan Penterjemahan

Semester 5
HBT303 - Persediaan Interpretasi
HBT305 - Projek Terjemahan 1
HBT320 - Ideologi Sosiobudaya dan Penterjemahan

Semester 6
HBT310 - Teori dan Praktik Interpretasi
HBT441 - Projek Terjemahan 2
HBT321 - Media dan Penterjemahan

Semester 7
HBT410 - Penyuntingan dan Penilaian Terjemahan
HBT432 - Strategi Interpretasi
HBT411 - Projek Terjemahan 2
HBT412E - Computer-aided Translation

I hope this can help you to decide. Choose wisely and good luck!

Thursday, June 21

Pengalaman: Form 6

assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Since everyone is eager to know more about my journey during Form 6, so here it is.

Fyi, I already finish my second year of degree in USM (I'll story about my degree life later). So, there are a lot of juniors and adik-adik asking me about my journey during form 6. I know most of you are battling with yourself "form 6 okay ke tak ek? Malulah masuk form 6 je kengkawan masuk universiti. masuk form 6 nanti orang ingat bodo." Adik-adik... JANGAN JAJJJJJ. hahah. Form 6 is not the end of the world.

Most of them asked "apa ek kelebihan Form 6?" halahhhh kalau akak nak citer tak habis dua hari dua malam ni dekkkkkk.

Form 6 takde lah best giler macam best giler ya tuhannn best woi rugi kau tak masuk form 6. Tak begitu. Tapi form 6 ni banyaklah juga kelebihannya yang orang lain pandang enteng.

1) murah diknonnnn kau takpayah pinjam ptptn, bebas hutang.
2) pendek masa jimat masa (berbanding diploma. kalau matrik/asasi takyah cerita, nyah kau dari sini).
3) dahlah murah boleh dapat biasiswa pulakkkkkk.
4) takyah pakai baju sekolah dahh. boleh pakai lawa-lawa dun wori.
5) boleh sambung duduk bawah ketiak mak.
6) ada cikgu yang boleh memberi tunjuk ajarku sifu. walaupun untuk subjek MUET. (kat U kena belajar sendiri)
7) boleh dapat experiences untuk buat assignment (belajar reference APA style semua amacam?)
8) sistem semester (ada 3 semester siap boleh repeat paper kalau result tak best. tanpa extend semester)

Tapi kak takkan kelebihan je, kekurangan takde ke?

Entahlah setakat ni aku tak nampak lagi kurangnya dimana-mana. Cuma zaman aku dulu sempatlah merasa pakai baju sekolah kain maroon tu woi. Pastu zaman tu makcik bawang close minded lagi pandang serong kat budak form 6.

Macam mana peluang nak sambung degree lepas Form 6?

Peluang ada dimana-mana. Tinggal kau nak rebut je dik. Kita ni belajarlah kat mana pun kalau belajar main-main, result cukup makan, tak kemana juga. Kalau kita belajar sungguh-sungguh, pandai-pandai, tetapkan niat lillahitaala insyaAllah ada rezeki kita janji result gempak aaaaa.

Dulu akak Form 6 result akak berapa?

Aduhhhh lemah akak dik nak jawab soalan dik ni. Result akak cukup makan je tapi lepaslah nak makan dalam USM gituhhhhhh. Yang penting usaha tu dik usaha kena ada. Belajar leklok. Kalau berangan je nak masuk universiti tapi usaha takde haaa angan-angan Mat Jenin lah namanya. Result akak dulu 3.69 je alhamdulillah tapi USM perginya. Haaaa, dah termotivated belum?

Akak kasi tips sikettt kak.

Alahhhhh tips dia jangan ponteng kelas. Homework cikgu kasi bagi perabis hokay?

Sunday, May 13

Malaysia Memilih: Did you cast your vote?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

It's been a while since the last time i wrote.

As we all knew, the election day was happened on 9th of May. As the rest of other Malaysians, I've been very excited since this is my first time to vote. Being 22 years old this year allowed me to vote. I've been waiting for so long and when the day was announced i was a bit disappointed and worried that i might cannot go home since it's in the middle of the week. Luckily, USM gave three days off for the students to cast their votes and one of the NGO wanted to sponsor us to go home and we were given allowance as well for us to come back to USM. Well, every each of us were so happy as we do not have much money left since it is now reaching to the end of the semester

I'm pretty much happy because the young people realized that each vote means a lot to the country so that they tried their best to go home and vote. Finally, a miracle happened. Our prayers must be heard by God and we changed the government. I hope our votes did really change Malaysia to a better nation. I hope Tun Dr. Mahathir and his cabinet can rule our county with all mighty and honesty.

For a better future, for a better nation.
Malaysiaku, negaraku.